Updating "Who Owns Organic"

The newest (2016) version of a very informative chart, “Who Owns Organics,” has been made available by its author, Dr. Phil Howard of Michigan State, and its collaborator the Cornucopia Institute: http://www.cornucopia.org/who-owns-organic/. At the latter web address you can view the chart through a quick download and can also download a high-resolution pdf for printing.
Dr. Howard is an associate professor in the Department of Community Sustainability and author as well of another unique chart, “Organic Industry Structure: Major Independents and Their Subsidiary Brands”—scroll down on Howard’s website home page: https://www.msu.edu/~howardp/organicindustry.html.
The latter chart has similarly evolved with the recent history of the organic sector. In his comments, Howard lists fewer than 20 remaining independent brands.