Karen Zimbelman

National Co+op Grocers
Phone Number

Karen Zimbelman is the Senior Director of Membership and Cooperative Relations at National Co+op Grocers.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Date

It will be no surprise to most Cooperative Grocer readers that there are those who think that consumer co-op boards of directors typically represent a weak link in the overall organization

001 October - November - 1985 January 9, 2004

[Written with the assistance of Margaret Goldstein and Josh Cohen.]

005 June - July - 1986 January 9, 2004

The good news is: you're not alone.

009 February - March - 1987 January 9, 2004

A quick assessment for board members:

015 February - March - 1988 January 9, 2004

The question of confidentiality for consumer cooperative boards of directors is one of the toughest issues facing them.

014 December - January - 1988 January 9, 2004

The question of whether co~op employees should be allowed to serve as voting members of a board of directors is one that many food co-ops give serious consideration to and wrestle with.

017 June - July - 1988 January 9, 2004

This article is adapted from a previous Cooperative Grocer article by Karen Zimbelman and Margaret Goldstein.

023 July - August - 1989 January 9, 2004

There's not a lot of glamour in it. The "behind the scenes" work that goes into preparing for and planning board meetings may be tedious, time-consuming and very rarely acknowledged.

021 February - March - 1989 January 9, 2004

For some, the subject of limited terms for directors inspires passionate debate; for others the idea of limiting directors' service seems so improbable as to be laughable.

030 September - October - 1990 January 9, 2004

029 July - August - 1990 January 9, 2004

As readers may recall, the U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a ruling specifically about co-op loan programs. In the case, Reves v.

035 July - August - 1991 January 9, 2004

Editor's note: I published several thousand words of my own on the decline of the Berkeley Co-op and related lessons, three years ago in Cooperative Grocer #18 & 19 (1988

038 January - February - 1992 January 9, 2004

Why is your co-op structured as a co-op? How important is your co-op structure to your daily operations? How much of a role does your co-op structure play in your marketing?

039 March - April - 1992 January 9, 2004

Let's start with some numbers. A typical member invests $100 in the cooperative to join the co-op. In exchange for that investment, the member receives a 5 percent discount on all purchases.

049 November - December - 1993 January 9, 2004

One morning Tim found a note in his mail box at the co-op when he arrived for work. It read, "We'll be here to do your evaluation at 4:30 today.

048 September - October - 1993 January 9, 2004

Mary manages the co-op's produce department by day. Then, on a regular basis she joins other co-op board members to meet and review management's reports and recommendations.

044 January - February - 1993 January 9, 2004

Without a doubt, an effective board of directors requires smooth and well-planned internal systems.

052 May - June - 1994 January 9, 2004

"You clearly have a lot of very dedicated people working in co-ops in the States -- because there's only a limited co-op system here to support them."

050 January - February - 1994 January 9, 2004

"A grievance has been filed against the co-op." These words almost invariably cause an immediate emotional reaction in everyone connected to the co-op.

055 November - December - 1994 January 9, 2004

Without a doubt, a co-op's board of directors plays a key role in the co-op's success.

060 September - October - 1995 January 9, 2004