Jake Schlachter

Jake Schlachter
Jake Schlachter is a disciple of co-ops, organizing, storytelling, and software development. He began his journey with co-ops in 2009 by helping to found a new food co-op organizing effort, and most recently is supporting CGN with software development for member engagement. In his work with Food Co-op Initiative, first as staff and later as a volunteer, he has led training workshops for hundreds of board members and organizers across the country. His chief interest now is building bridges between organized co-op members and the movements for a fair economy and a livable future. He lives in Madison with a co-op researcher grad student who is also his wife, Laura.

Author's Articles

Title Issue Date

Would house parties work for established co-ops to engage their members?” The question surprised me.

162 September-October 2012 September 25, 2012

Been called by a new food co-op for advice recently? The number of startup food cooperatives is swelling, and with it, the ranks of cooperative advisors.

159 March - April - 2012 April 9, 2012

On a Monday in May, I addressed a room crowded with attentive listeners who had come to hear how to add an income-generating activity to their food co-op organizing efforts.

155 July - August - 2011 August 28, 2011