Endcap Articles

Issue's Articles

Title Issue Date

This spring, food co-ops are urged to honor one of their outstanding trainers and leaders, Ann Hoyt, while supporting co-op development through the Cooperative Hall of Fame.  The Hall honors decade

Endcap Articles February 4, 2015

In Seattle, Washington, Central Co-op is ahead of the curve in implementing the city's new minimum wage of $15, seven years in advane of the mandated schedule.  This may well be the highest grocery

Endcap Articles January 23, 2015

A new, short video has just been released that explains the P6 or Principle Six movement, which takes its name from the 6th cooperative principle of "cooperation among cooperatives."  Find it at 

Endcap Articles January 14, 2015

How to build a broader movement for social change. How to evaluate the cooperative alignment and potential of allies such as nonprofits, land trusts, and advocacy groups?

Endcap Articles December 17, 2014

The so-called sharing economy, a model of business innovation based on open-source software and broad participation of a cooperative nature, is thoughtfully examined by Nathan Schneiderman at the S

Endcap Articles December 2, 2014

World hunger is real and widespread -- but it is not for lack of food, rather lack of food justice.  Cooperators can help address these issues by being well-informed.  Here are two links to excelle

Endcap Articles November 10, 2014

Excellent work and analysis on cooperative development continues to be found at community-wealth.org, a project of the Democracy Collaborative.  For people interested in cooperative development gen

Endcap Articles October 20, 2014

In an unfortunate action that is the first of its kind, at least for the current generation of food co-ops, Elm City Market in New Haven, Connecticut, has demutualized and is no longer a co-op.  Th

Endcap Articles October 17, 2014

The next round of co-op training and education grants from the Howard Bowers Fund has an October 15 deadline.

Endcap Articles September 17, 2014

An excellent report, "The Assault on Organics," appears in the current issue of Sound Consumerfrom PCC Natural Markets, the Seattle-based consumer co-op: 

Endcap Articles September 4, 2014

The international cooperative domain name, .coop, has now been joined to a cooperative marque or brand with the same letters.  Our national cross-sector cooperative trade organization, NCBA CLUSA,

Endcap Articles July 23, 2014

A 2012 study that identified serious health effects from feeding GMO (genetically modified organisms) corn and the Monsanto corporation’s glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup has been strongly reaffi

Endcap Articles June 26, 2014

A helpful introduction to Elinor Ostrom's writings on the commons is found in a comment by Derek Wall at STIR, a site focused on “Co-ops. Community.

Endcap Articles June 10, 2014

The Evergreen Cooperatives initiative in Cleveland has gotten a lot of notice for its vision of urban revitalization based on a complex of worker cooperatives in partnership with supportive local i

Endcap Articles June 2, 2014

Hosted by the Cooperative Development Foundation, the Cooperative Hall of Fame gives the highest recognition among U.S.

Endcap Articles May 20, 2014

New food co-ops continue their very strong growth, with more than 50 new cooperatives opening stores since 2009 – and more opening in 2014.  These groups are located all over the U.S.

Endcap Articles May 18, 2014

Efforts to reduce waste and energy consumption in the supply chain are detailed in a new report from the Sustainable Food Trade Association http://www.

Endcap Articles May 1, 2014

Just published: a new, in-depth look at food co-ops in the greater metropolitan Minneapolis-St.

Endcap Articles April 15, 2014

Trust, local investment, and a strong and supportive food co-op.

Endcap Articles March 25, 2014

An impressive surge of expansion and new food co-ops is happening in many areas, and Maine is a great example.  The number of food co-ops in the state will soon double over recent years, it appears

Endcap Articles March 12, 2014