Endcap Articles

Issue's Articles

Title Issue Date

A new feature film on co-op history and today’s food co-ops is nearing completion.  With some 35 co-ops already contributing support for production of “Food for Change” and about 80 percent of the

Endcap Articles May 23, 2013

Congratulations to Rebecca Dunn, who was inducted into the Cooperative Hall of Fame on May 8.  Dunn, the executive director of the Cooperative Fund of New England for the past 27 years, was honored

Endcap Articles May 17, 2013

Updates at bottom:  On May 14, a fire badly damaged the headquarters of Organic Valley in La Farge, Wisconsin.  No one was injured, according to LaCrosse news station WXOW.com:

Endcap Articles May 15, 2013

These days, we’re all learning about our energy supply, whether we expected to or not -- and that includes advocates of a healthier food supply.  

Endcap Articles May 13, 2013

These days we’re all learning about our energy supply, whether or not we have expected those lessons, and that includes advocates for a healthier food supply.  For a broad overview of the food syst

Endcap Articles May 13, 2013

Advocates of cooperatives need allies with compatible visions of social change – including, most challengingly, visions that assume limits to growth and capital.

Endcap Articles May 2, 2013

A TED presentation in the U.K.

Endcap Articles April 8, 2013

Through a grassroots funding campaign, along with lender support from NCB (National Co-op Bank) and NCDF (Northcountry Cooperative Development Fund), the Isla Vista Food Co-op has recently been abl

Endcap Articles March 21, 2013

The International Cooperative Alliance has produced an impressive document that follows upon the International Year of Cooperatives.  Follow this link,

Endcap Articles March 17, 2013

The growing demand for labeling that identifies genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) lost the California referendum but will be on the ballot later this year in the state of Washington.  Whole F

Endcap Articles March 11, 2013

In mid-February a major new study was released by the Center for Food Safety and Save Our Seeds.  Available for free download at http://www.centerforfoo

Endcap Articles February 16, 2013

"A Cooperative Economy" is the theme of "Yes!" magazine's spring 2013 issue: http://www.yesmagazine.org -- covering such examples as worker ownership, food

Endcap Articles February 11, 2013

The National Cooperative Development Act of 2011 needs the support of the public and members of Congress – see http://www.campaign.coop/.  The bill promotes

Endcap Articles February 6, 2013

The nine-month “fix” in the farm bill is worse than nothing.  With the last-minute approval of this compromise, largely without debate, we lost relatively inexpensive yet essential support for orga

Endcap Articles January 21, 2013

Now available for online viewing are winners of an annual contest sponsored by several leading cooperatives that generates imaginative tributes to cooperat

Endcap Articles December 27, 2012

Cooperators everywhere can view online presentations and research delivered at major international cooperative meetings held in late 2012.

Endcap Articles December 25, 2012

Accounting Best Practices for Food Co-ops: A Primer is now available, an excellent and concise (14-page) summary in four sections:  balance sheet, income statement, internal control, and c

Endcap Articles November 15, 2012

Reducing the significance of organic food to its “healthiness” is a bit like reducing politics to a matter of “truthiness.” The recent Stanford University study (September 4, Annals of Internal

Endcap Articles September 7, 2012

The U.S. fair trade world has been in a state of division for quite some time.

Endcap Articles August 30, 2012

Forty-one consumer food co-ops and natural foods retailers operating 62 stores released an open letter on Au

Endcap Articles August 30, 2012